err im just guessing...
brain power?
A three letter word for cleverness and intelligence is wit.
There are several.Zealous. This means intently dedicated or showing great enthusiasm.Zen-minded. Zen is a state of focus and eagerness.Zany or Zanistic. A person who is buffoon-minded.Zoinked or zoinky. Means easily dismayed or easily scared. Popularised by Shaggy in the Scooby Doo cartoons.Zazzy. An urban term meaning energetic. Snazzy.Zesty. Someone who is lively.Zippy. Someone who is speedy.Zelaphobic. Someone who fears jealousy.Zoanthropic. A personality trait which is a mental disorder. Someone who thinks they are an animal.Zoocentric. Someone who places animals in higher regard than humans.
The letters can be used to spell the 8 letter word nametags and the 7 letter words amnesty, analyst, gymnast, magenta, magnets, manages, mantels, nametag and tangles. They also spell the 6 letter words agents, angels, angles, gamely, gangly, lament, lamest, layman, laymen, magnet, manage, mangle, mantle, meanly, measly, mental, metals, namely, neatly, seaman, steamy, tamale, tamely and tangle.
I found out that it is an American slang for mental hospital.
That is it within a persons own ability to make choices and decisions
A person's "bent" could be their mental inclination, as in "She has a bent for painting."
The term mental ability refers to the ability to learn and understand. It is retaining knowledge and understanding facts and instructions.
mental shield
a concept to understand in teaching children with learning disabilities is the level of the learners intellectual functioning or mental ability
Lennie lacks the mental ability to understand complex social cues, consequences of his actions, and to regulate his emotions effectively. This is due to his developmental disability, which affects his cognitive and emotional functioning.
mental ability is when someone can't do something because they are def, blind, in a wheel chair, broke an arm, any kind of injury
Psychopathology is the medical term meaning study of mental diseases.
by thinking and exersising your brain.
Cognitive function.