Yes every year until it is grown up! Some said you could play as your child if it is grown up! NICE!!! XXX
The Greenhouse is used so you can grow crops year round. Even in Winter when nothing will grow outside.
Your Child will never grow past the "teenager stage" Which means your child will never get married or help with the farm work.
it takes around 3 to 4 years for you baby to grow up to an adult...
When you first build a barn, you get a calf. It takes 19 or 20 days for it to grow up. You can milk it whenever, but when you see the milker sign above their heads, you can get grade s milk if your awesome at it.
Green Bell is a Winter Flower. You can buy the seeds from the inn on Toucan Island. Or during the Harvest Festival. But you have to plant and grow the flower yourself.
On your child's 2nd birthday it crawls then on his/her 4th birthday he/she walks.
Well, It takes a while to grow them, but when they harvets just tap on the apples!
between the 10 and 20 year ^^^ no?? they never "grow up" but the go from baby to crawling in 2 years then after 2 MORE years it will be able to walk but it doesn't grow at all after that.
It takes two years for him/her to crawl. It takes two more years for him/her to walk. He/She won't grow anymore after that.
In spring, go to chens store and buy the potatoes seeds
The Greenhouse is used so you can grow crops year round. Even in Winter when nothing will grow outside.
If you want Yams you must plant Yam Seeds in Fall and wait for it to grow.
Herbs are the Colored Plants that grow randomly around town. They come in many different colors.
Once you have a baby it will take 2 years for your baby to crawl. If you want your baby to walk you'll have to wait another 2 years. After your child is walking it will stop growing. It won't become an adult.
Your Child on Harvest Moon Magical Melody will never grow past "Walking" stage
It depends on what type of game you prefer On Harvest Moon DS, the exciting part is bringing the sprites back (Which takes FOREVER), to unlock mines, unlock the circus, have a sock from Nina, and to get mythic stones etc. but in Island of Happiness, your tasks are to unlock the main characters and sub-villagers, to unlock the meadow, the forest, and the jungle, and etc. Harvest Moon DS takes a lot longer to complete as it's quite difficult but worth it in the end. Whereas, Island of Happiness has a lot more to do during the part before you get married. In my own opinion Island of Happiness is better if you've never played Harvest Moongames before, its not as hard and there's more to do before you complete your mission and get married. Don't get me wrong both games are GREAT! I suggest to try both games and see which you prefer! :)MysticTwilight: Yes. Harvest Moon Ds has a lot of glitches, as said in many HM websites. I think that Harvest Moon Island Of Happiness is more smooth and easier to play. The main idea of both is to raise a family, grow crops, and raise livestock. Only, in HMDS you must save the Harvest Goddess by unlocking all of the Harvest Sprites. In IOH you have to unlock the different areas by building bridges, then try to get more sub-villagers and main villagers to come to your growing island.Sakura708:Yeah.Harvest Moon DS can only has on player but in Harvest moon island of happiness you can either play as a boy or girlSuperfezz:Nope, Harvest Moon DS is way better. I only played Harvest Moon Island of happiness because I used Action Replay... (P.S. HM GAMES THAT HAVE CHOISE BETWEEN GENDER MEENS THEY DON'T HAVE AS MUCH DETAIL THEN ONE GENDER GAMES)
Your Child will never grow past the "teenager stage" Which means your child will never get married or help with the farm work.