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Yes. If you are holding wheat in front of a sheep and it's looking at you it will start following you. It will even follow you into lava.

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Q: Does wheat attract sheep in Minecraft?
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How do you attract sheep in minecraft?

Use wheat which you can harvest/steal from villages

What are minecraft sheep atracted to?


How do you attract sheep on minecraft pe?

With hay.

How do you breed sheep in minecraft?

Give each sheep you want to breed wheat.

How much wheat do you need to have a sheep follow you?

Just one unit of wheat in minecraft.

Can you feed sheep on Minecraft?

In Minecraft, yes, you can feed sheep. Sheep can be fed wheat. When you feed a sheep some wheat, it becomes happy with you and has love heats floating around its head for a while. If you feed wheat to two sheep and bring them together, they will kiss for a few seconds, then a baby sheep will appear. This is breeding. Alternatively, if you hold wheat in your hand without feeding it to a sheep, the sheep will follow you. This is useful for herding sheep into a fenced farm. See the link in the related links below for more information.

Does wheat attract animals in minecraft?

yes, except for squids and wolves.

What do you use to attract pigs on minecraft?

You must use wheat. Hold it in your hand.

How do you get sheep to like you in minecraft pe 0.5.0 alpha?

Sheep are lured and bred with by wheat. By holding wheat you can get sheep to follow you, and by touching and holding the screen where the sheep are standing, you can breed them to make a lamb.

How much wheat does it take to tame a sheep in minecraft?

Sheep are already 'tame'. The only wild animal that can be tamed are wolves.

What do sheep eat to get happy minecraft?

Wheat, is used to breed the sheep. When they're ready to breed small hearts pop up over their heads.

Can you get pets in minecraft on tablet?

For cows you need wheat For sheep you need wheat For pigs you need carrots for chickens you need seeds (Seeds are also used for growing wheat)