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Q: Does the webkinz lil' seal come with an underwater room?
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Can the webkinz seal go Underwater?

If you adalpt a seal I don't think it needs an underwater room but if you have a fish and a seal that lives together, your seal can go underwater in the fish's room.

Does the webkinz spotted seal come with an underwater room?

Well i think so because it lives in water and i think so becaus in webkinz it puts wat the webkinz likes most and a seal likes water so theres your answer. =)

Will the beaver Webkinz come out why or why not?

There is no beaver webkinz, but one similar is the seal.

Which is faster a penguin or a seal?

UnderWater a Seal above a penguin

When is the seal going to be pet of the month on webkinz?

January 3030

What underwater animal eats a seal?

a killer whale

How much does the seal cost on webkinz?

1oo dollars and 45 cents

Where can you find a webkinz endangered species Bengal tiger?

Halmark could be a good place. I went there and they have A LOT of webkinz. I got my signature harp seal.

What do they seal underwater oil wells with?

I believe they use rubber latex

How deep in the ocean can a harp seal live?

50 feet underwater

Is the webkinz seal the softest?

The softest not exactly the charcoal cat is the softest 2 me ~Puplove56

Is a Grey seal Webkinz coming out?

It's out. And it depends what part of the world yo are talking about! :)