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No. You need a different cartridge for the dsi/dsi xl, such as the acekard 2i.

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Q: Does the m3 ds real work in Nintendo DSi XL?
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where will you get nintendo dsi xl

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yes a dsi charger fits a dsi XL and a dsi XL fits the dsi

What is the difference between a Nintendo DSi and a Nintendo DSi XL?

a DSi XL is larger in size than a regular DSi.

Will action replay dsi work on a nintendo 3ds xl?

No, it will not work

Does Nintendo DSi games work in the Nintendo DSi XL?

Yes. All DS games work on all DS systems.

Does Pokemon black work on the Nintendo DSi XL?

Yes , any game made for the DS will be compatible with the DSi and DSi XL consoles

Will there be a Nintendo DSi 2?

The second Nintendo DSi is the DSi XL.

How do you get xxxl to work on Mario Kart DS?

If you mean Nintendo DSI XL, then just insert it in your DSI XL YOU DUMMO!

Is the Nintendo 3DS XL bigger than the DSi XL?

No, the Nintendo 3DS XL is slightly smaller than the DSi XL

Is Nintendo 3DS XL is bigger than Nintendo DSi XL?

No, the 3DS XL is slightly smaller than the DSi XL

Does the Nintendo DSi XL have WiFi?

Yes, the Nintendo DSi XL has WiFi and can connect to the internet.

What Nintendo DS systems are there?

There are several types of Nintendo DS systems ranging from the Nintendo DS, Nintendo DS Lite, Nintendo DSi, and Nintendo DSi XL. The newest version of the Nintendo DS is the Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo 3DS XL.