No, Mew is a legendary Pokémon and legendaries don't produce eggs. There is one exception however, Manaphy produces an egg, but this egg leads to Phione, not Manaphy and Phione doesn't evolve.
It takes about 80,000 steps for the bad mew egg to hatch.
It's weird. Mew is said to be the ancestor of all Pokemon, but there is a myth that refers to the one who created Pokemon as "the original one", but that is actually arceus. How magby is the live coal Pokemon and gyarados is the atrocious Pokemon, arceus is the god Pokemon. It says the original one hatched from an egg, but pretend he is a chicken. Who came first, the chicken or the egg? In this case, the egg. But something had to lay the egg. I'm guessing mew. You can stop pretending arceus is a chicken. One other option is that since mew is said to be the ancestor of all Pokemon, it's possible to doubt. The only proof is that mew can use transform to copy any move, metronome to automatically use any random move, and it can learn every TM and HM. I hope this helped...
Mew can be migrated from Pokemon Emerald if that game was participated in the Japanese Mew event to get the Old Sea Map or have 999 Pokemon in Pokemon Ranch and Hailey will give you Mew.
Mew is a Psychic-type legendary Pokemon.
No, you cannot get mew in Pokemon white or black
get my Pokemon ranch on the wii then store 999 Pokemon and Haley, who runs it, will ask to trade you a mew for an egg (you give her an egg and she gives you a mew).
Mew can't lay an egg.
No, it is impossible to breed Mewtwo and Mew with any Pokemon or for any Pokemon. Their Egg Group is No Egg, which prevents them to breed.
She wants an egg after you have 999 Pokèmon on it.
It takes about 80,000 steps for the bad mew egg to hatch.
You cannot get an egg from Mewtwo in any game. Mewtwo is a legendary Pokemon, and no legendary Pokemon is allowed to breed. You can't even breed the two legendaries that have genders: Latios and Latias.
Since Mew is a legendary pokemon, it does not have a gender, so you cannot hatch an egg. If you want a Mew, you have to use an action replay code or trade it from another game.
Unfortunately, there is no way to get Mew without receiving it from an official event or by using a Gameshark or Action Replay. There is however one alternative, if you own Pokemon Ranch for the Wii and a Fourth Generation Pokemon game. When you expand your ranch to level 25 by depositing 999 Pokemon in the ranch, Hayley will ask for a Pokemon egg for her Mew. Just trade her an egg and you'll have a Mew.
how did u get mew