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Q: Does the PSP have free online Internet?
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Does online cost on the psp?

No it is free. It only costs your internet connection.

how can i get the internet on my psp?

i want free music for my psp ......... Here is a website with step by step instructions on how to get your PSP online:

Is Littlebigplanet for PSP online free?

The Playstation Network does not charge, but you still need internet service

Can you get on the internet with any psp?

No, the PSP 'Street', E1000 series has no way to get online.

Is the internet for psp free?

If its on Wi-Fi, Then it should be free.

Can you get PSP internet for free with out a PS3?

PS3 does not get the internet free it gets the access to the PlayStation network free and you have to have an internet service provider

Do you have to pay for the internet on a PSP?

You have to pay for the internet ona psp. Internet is rarely free for any application. However, it may be cheaper on a psp as opposed to a home computer network system.

Is the PSP Internet free?

the psp using wifi so if u have wireless in ur house u can connect to it using ur psp and browse the internet

Where can you get online Free Savegames for Psp?


Con you go online on the psp go?

The PSP Go does allow web surfing and downloading from the internet

How do you get a wireless connection for psp for free?

You need an internet Hotspot that provides free WiFi at that location.

How can you get free psp internet?

yes if you have a router (e.g: bt home hub).