No because hammer arm is a 4th generation move it didn't exist in emerald or any Pokemon game before it.
where do you get the spade from on Pokemon emerald
Metagross learns Hammer Arm on level 45.
i don't think he can learn it leveling up you can breed a pokemon with hammer arm and boy or girl emboar
Swampert's ultimate moves are endeavor, earthquake, hammer arm, and mud bomb
I guess that would be Earthquake. It learns Earthquake in level 52. But Hammer Arm is also an awesome attack that Swampert learns. Swampert learns Hammer Arm in level 69. Hope I helped :)
where do you get the spade from on Pokemon emerald
Currently, the last move Swampert learns is 'Hammer Arm' at level 69 however you can teach it HMs or TMs any time after this level.
Metagross learns Hammer Arm on level 45.
i don't think he can learn it leveling up you can breed a pokemon with hammer arm and boy or girl emboar
In level 67
level 67
Rampardos learns Hammer Arm as an Egg Move, which the father would need the move Hammer Arm in his move pool to pass down to the Cranidos.
Definitely Swampert. It only has one weakness, ice which can be beaten with a super-effective hammer arm and Blastoise has only one type and not nearly as diverse a move set. Plus, Swampert is so dang cool and good at battle frontier and gyms.