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Roblox is simply a program, and is very unlikely to "mess up" your laptop. If by this question you mean does roblox contain viruses, the answer to that is no as well. Roblox has been tested by several anti-virus sites and was found as clean.

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Q: Does roblox mess up your laptop?
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It is something you can do if you have some sort of computer knowledge. If you don't, then I suggest that you take it to a professional so you are sure that you don't mess up your laptop.

Is Roblox bad for a computer?

Roblox can slow down your computer. Don't get me wrong though, it won't affect your laptop much as it is only a 250 MB game with barely any graphics. If you have 6-8 GB ram and 2.5 GHz, your computer can run Roblox easily. You won't notice ROBLOX slowing down your computer. If you have a 2011 type of laptop, THEN you would notice your laptop slowing down. So if you have a new laptop, you don't need to worry that roblox can slow down your computer

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Does Your Laptop Meet ROBLOX's Requirements? Contact Your Nearest Electrical Store For Assistance.....