Zwinky installs adware/spyware on your computer, though it probably does not have an actual virus. Some of the adware/spyware it installsmay be difficult to get off your computer once it has been installed.
No, it is not possible to download Roblox to a flash drive. Roblox automatically installs itself on your computer, so you cannot choose where to put it. Finding the roblox files and coping them to your flash drive could work, but probably not.
It installs with normal roblox. Go start: All Programs: Roblox: Roblox studio
It depends if you're notebook computer can handle roblox and its contents.
No, any game that big would require a download unless you want roblox which is building and creating but it installs a plugin to your computer but that is so you can play ti in your browser.
No. It is not spyware.
Zwinky installs adware/spyware on your computer, though it probably does not have an actual virus. Some of the adware/spyware it installsmay be difficult to get off your computer once it has been installed.
No, it is not possible to download Roblox to a flash drive. Roblox automatically installs itself on your computer, so you cannot choose where to put it. Finding the roblox files and coping them to your flash drive could work, but probably not.
It installs with normal roblox. Go start: All Programs: Roblox: Roblox studio
It is not important to have spyware installed on one's computer. Spyware is actually obtained from computer worms, viruses, and other various computer infections.
a. Adware or spyware
Spyware can be very harmful to your computer and the information is holds. Removing spyware from your computer would be best.
Spyware is software that gets downloaded to the computer for the purpose of spying on the user. You should keep your computer free of it because anything you type as well as any information that is on the computer can be transmitted back to the creator of the spyware. Spyware can also contain viruses as well.
No Spware and viruses both damage the computer. You need an anti spyware to remove spyware and a good anti virus to remove virus