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No, the budget 'e1000' version is not wi-fi enabled.

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Q: Does psp e1000 have internet
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Can you get internet connection in ANY way on the PSP E1004?

The 'Street PSP' (E1000 series) doesn't have any wi-fi capabilities, you can't connect it to the internet.

Can you get on the internet with any psp?

No, the PSP 'Street', E1000 series has no way to get online.

Can you get internet on PSP e1000?

No the psp e1000 Is fater and got no wifi just to make it cheaper If u play alot psp i recomend u buy psp 3000 That is the most advanced psp

What if you don't have Internet on your PSP how do you get Internet on E1002 sony PSP?

The E1000 series 'PSP Street' doesn't have internet. There's no way around it, it has no wireless internet hardware inside.

Is the psp e1000 touchscreen?

No, the PSP Street (E1000) does not have a touchscreen.

How can you connect to the internet on e1004 PSP street?

The E1000 series, PSP 'Street' does not have any wi-fi capabilities so can't connect to the internet.

How do you get internet on your sony psp E 1000?

The E1000 series doesn't have any wireless capabilities, it can't connect to the internet.

How do you turn on wi fi in psp e1000?

The e1000 has no wi-fi.

How do get internet on PSP E1002?

The 'E1000' series, 'PSP Street' does not have any wi-fi capabilities, so there's no browser or way to go online with it.

Is a psp e1000 fat?

The PSP 1000 series is often called the 'fat' or 'phat'. The e1000 is not quite the same as the 1000.

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Is the PSP E1000 a touchscreen?

No, the E1000 series does not have a touchscreen. Out of all the Sony handhelds, only the PSVita has one.