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paul likes dawn but he just cover up it up with hate but there was ikarishipping ( paul x dawn) moment before paul battled ash in sinooh league but then again that dawn sometimes like kenny or barry or even ash. but kenny got the most crush on dawn but there is also conway that as crush on dawn so people can like mix up dawn with diffent boys/couples but it is just fantics it never hapennd i hope thois answer helped

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Q: Does paul like dawn in Pokemon?
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Does paul like dawn from Pokemon?

Honestly I think that Dawn does not like Paul and to most Pokemon fans they say that Ash and Dawn or Dawn and Gary are going to be together but honestly I don't know who is going to get Dawn. Opinion 2 - Dawn doesn't seem to like Paul all that much judging from the episodes considering how mad she got when Paul forgot her name in "A Gruff Act to Follow" so I'd say no.

Why is Paul so cold to Dawn in Pokemon?

He is so cold to Dawn because he likes her. Though Dawn likes Ash and maybe Kenny. Paul probably hates Ash because he gets to travel around with Dawn. Though, she doesn't like Paul for being cruel to Ash and Pokemon.

What Pokemon episode does Paul kiss Dawn?

It's not in any episode, Paul never kisses Dawn.

Does dawn hate paul on Pokemon?

no she loves him

In Pokemon does Gary like dawn?

Yes Gary Oak love Pokemon Dawn

Pokemon does dawn want to date paul?

When Dawn met Paul, he infuriated her, by telling him he didn't recognize her. After that, he pretty much just interacted with Ash, so their relationship didn't go anywhere. Besides, any main character from the show (excluding Brock) is way too focused on Pokemon to want to date anybody, so Dawn like him and paul was indifferent to her means lack of likeing

Dawn from Pokemon?

Dawn is the main girl from the Pokemon Diamond and Pearl series and Pokemon Battle Galactic. Her mother is Johanna who once was a top coordinator. Dawn wants to be like her mother, and has a dream of becoming a top coordinator as well. According to the English versions, Dawn has 4 ribbons out of 5 to get in the Grand Festival. Her Pokemon are Piplup, Buneary, Pachirisu, Mamoswine, Ambipom (who is currently in the Kanto region training with Oh, the top Pokemon Ping Pong Champion.) and Cyndaquil. Like Ash, Dawn has a big problem with Paul's attitude and the way he treats his Pokemon and how he treats Ash. Hope this answered your question!

Who loves Dawn?

is not ash, Kenny like her but no,i think nobody. but i support paul and dawn.

Does pual like dawn?

Yes, Paul Does Like Dawn Because He started to Be Friends and Then he kind Off Got into Dawn... Thank For Reading...

In Pokemon Diamond and Pearl is Dawn with Ash or Paul or who ever I've heard rumors?

There may be some hints that she loves Ash but as for Paul it is unknow but I know that Ash dose not love her It is obvious that Ash is not with Dawn (but the names would match :D y'know.. ask.. and dawn :D ya get it?... yea watever..) anyways, Pokemon doesnt really pair people up but if its like the last season (with may and that green haired dude... i think it was drew) then dawn is probably going to end up with paul

Who does barry like in Pokemon?

Dawn, maybe.

In Pokemon does dawn like barry?

She could