No, It evolves into Probopass but Probopass is a 4th Gen. Pokemon but Pokemon Emerald only contains 3rd Gen. and lower pokemon.
Nosepass doesn't evolve in emerald only in diamond, pearl and platinum.
On the Pokemon Emerald, Ruby, and Sapphire games; there is no evolution for Nosepass. It comes in the Pearl, Diamond, and Platinum games. Hope this helps.
In Pokemon insurgence, nosepass evolves in New Mauville
Nosepass will only evolve in diamond, pearl and platinum on top of mt coronet.
Nosepass doesn't evolve by level. You simply need to level it up inside of Mt Coronet
You cannot evolve Nosepass in Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald.
Nosepass doesn't evolve in emerald only in diamond, pearl and platinum.
On the Pokemon Emerald, Ruby, and Sapphire games; there is no evolution for Nosepass. It comes in the Pearl, Diamond, and Platinum games. Hope this helps.
Nosepass doesn't evolve in Ruby, sorry.
In Pokemon insurgence, nosepass evolves in New Mauville
Nosepass will only evolve in diamond, pearl and platinum on top of mt coronet.
evolve nosepass. you can find nosepass in mt. coronet.
You can find nosepass in granite cave very rare though.
Magneton and Nosepass