It does not require money. You can either make an account to make a playlist or download (w/o account)
Yes it do cost money
No. Demos for games do not cost money.
It does cost money. but you can download it illegally
No it does not cost money unless you buy an app that costs money. If it does cost money you only have to pay for it the one time you get it from the app store.
No, it doesn't cost to have Internet on the wii although it does cost money to buy things or you use wii points witch you have to buy
No it does not cost money.
No it does not cost money
No it does not cost money
Yes it do cost money
It depends on which version you get there is a way for it to cost money. But it is most likely to tell you whether it will cost money or not! :)
No, it does not cost money. But if you want to be a VIP then yes it does cost money!
it doees cost money
It does cost money. but you can download it illegally
No It Does Not Cost Money To Go On This Site!!!!!!
ALL my phones cost money
No it does not cost any money.
No Saynow doesnt cost money