Some people have believed so, but in Twilight Princess they are only friends. Actually in most games, he shows love interest in Zelda, but in that particular game the Zelda creators meant to make Link show no love interest at all.
Midna is actually around Link's age. Since her realm and his are so close, and the Twili are only dark versions of Hylians banished from the light, they must have about the same lifespans.
No and Yes. In the beginning, she controls Link like a servant, and is somewhat-cruel, so I guess she is considered "Evil..." but later in the game, She changes her feelings towards Link, and then protects and helps him. So, I guess she is both twofaced and beatiful. :)...
Just to set the record straight, in Skyward Sword, the Chosen Hero, Link is proven that he marries Zelda. in Ocarina of Time, fans assumes the Hero of Time marries Malon because Malon is not a Sage. And in Twilight Princess, fans were complaining about Midna's Return, and even if she did return to the Light Realm, or the Hero of Twilight, comes back to the Twilight Realm, Link and Midna will be proven to get married.
so far Zelda has not died in twilight princess she stored her life force in midna but Zelda has not yet died i thought midna died.
Go to Faron woods and get on the big stump near the shop run by the bird. As a wolf you can jump with Midna, as link, you can fly using a special cucco after snowpeak temple.
The game really never states who Link exactly likes, but I believe that would be Midna in this game.
Link has a deep concern for Ilia, and the resolve to want to save her. However, Link's heart has been intertwined with Midna throughout his journey. And the icing on the cake is when Link views Midna in her true, beautiful Twilight Princess form!
Nah. Link is madly in love with Zelda.
yo hold down the B button and release it after you get the monsters inside the large black circle that midna creates :)
in the ending video he does
Midna is rude to Link in the beginning of the game because she was a brat in getting him to do what she wanted/needed him to do.
You just have to talk to Midna again.
you must fail when you are link human
Midna is actually around Link's age. Since her realm and his are so close, and the Twili are only dark versions of Hylians banished from the light, they must have about the same lifespans.
you are supposed to turn into wolf link and get the scent
well.... link happy :D , link -----> wolf. link meet midna. link meet princess, as a wolf. link and midna set off for fused shadow magic. Link meets zant. link meets zant's fist. Midna meet light, midna almost die :'( Zelda sorta die/disappear for midna, midna&link leave to find a mirror of twilight only to find it broken, they go and seach for the shards, and all that jazz, once they do they go to twilight relm where they encounter the main evildoer, or so they think, who revels to be no more than s very crancy person in need of a nap, once midna kills him using her awesome hair related powers, they realize that gannondorf, (no duh) is the real villan, so they go to hyrule castle, confront gannon, where he posseses Zelda (quite a twist right?) you fight Zelda/gannon then he "un"posseses Zelda, and turns into a giant pig, then once you defeat that he starts burning green fire(how many times can you kill this thing anyway!?!?!?!) and midna telepotrs Zelda/link outside of the castle, and tries to deal with gannon herself where she gets blown up and gannon crushes her amazing hat. then Zelda and link get on horseback, and duke it out with gannon AGAIN then he miraculously gets up for a one on one sword battle with link, link finaly stabs him in the stomach, and if as if that wasn't enough, gannon fits in a 5 minet monologue before he dies. midna is then resurrected by the ligh spirits and is her regular self,almost human and life goes on...
sort of at the end