No it is completely free.
Here is a link to join:
You can by Kreds to donate to developers or buy extra ingame items in some games.
But you dont have to!
I think you have to be 7 or up.
Well you cant if you are a mod on kongregate you are a platform racing 2 mod and a kongregate mod and you get to be a mod if the kongregate staff selects you
Get embed code from kongregate
webkinz does not cost anything it is free to have an account but the stuffed animals cost around $12.99. You can also buy different things for your webkinz and online you can go to the code shop and enter its secret code and get a prise for your webkinz.
You have to be at least 13-years-old to have an account on Kongregate.
You have to be 13+ years old to legally register for an account on Kongregate
I think you have to be 7 or up.
Sorry but you cannot delete your account on Kongregate. You can just never sign into it again, or you can email support for a permanent ban on your account.
The account doesn't cost anything, but you have to pay to get a digital download of the game so that you can play it.
No a Lego club account does not cost anything! It is free!
No it wont .
Kongregate accounts are free, and no users are required to spend any money.If a user chooses, they may purchase "Kreds", which can be used to unlock premium content in select games.
It doesn't cost anything but if you want membership then it will cost you money
Ok, so first you would need to replace a RotMG account with an account from (You would need to register on the website with an email address and a pw first). Now, you should have an email hooked up to your Kongregate RotMG account. Afterwards, you go on steam, and load up your steam RotMG account. Now that you have done this, go to "Account" and replace with an existing web account. Type in the email address and pw you used to sign up for that you ported to Kongregate. Voila! The ninja from Kongregate should have ported to Steam if done correctly.
Kongregate was created in 2006.
If you have an account with a bank and process your check at that bank, it will not cost anything. If you go to a bank where you do not have an account, you will pay, on average, $6.00.