well darkri is a legandery pokemon so darkri does not elvolve
sorry about that
The boy in Pokemon diamond and pearl have nightmares when darkri shoot a nightmare ball at the boy when he is in the garden and some of the Pokemon attacted darkri and darkri said"leave now".
You need to get mystery gift to get Darkri in soul silver and where would it Be?But i don't know where to get a mystery gift that has Darkri.
Darkri looks like a Pearson with no legs. His hair and arms have strips that are always flowing, even if theres no wind.
nothing he gets sent back to a time he cant escape
use action replay or Nintendo event to get members pass and u will fight darkri
2 days after you beat darkri ursaring tell you to go back to Luminous spring again
He will evolve at lvl 16 or 18 and 36.....But you have to beat the game beat darkri and get marine resort so you will be lvl 60-90 by then
you can not evolve in Pokemon time and darkness Untrue i started out as a chimchar now I'm an infernape before you evolve manaphy has to find a place called the marine resort and you have to beat it. you have to have palkia .thats the part i was missing be4 i could evolve
beat darkri and wait a couple of days (you may or may not need palkia and/or dialga)
The boy in Pokemon diamond and pearl have nightmares when darkri shoot a nightmare ball at the boy when he is in the garden and some of the Pokemon attacted darkri and darkri said"leave now".
You need to get mystery gift to get Darkri in soul silver and where would it Be?But i don't know where to get a mystery gift that has Darkri.
Darkri looks like a Pearson with no legs. His hair and arms have strips that are always flowing, even if theres no wind.
They are not trained, They're Wild Pokemon there is alot more to that you have to get manphy save sisor and deafeat darkri and palkia
get thegost glinch
level x darkri