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Only the Wii version.

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Are there cheats for colin mcrae dirt 2?

Colin mcrae dirt 3 is released 29th June 2011

What song is played on the colin mcrae tribute in colin mcrae dirt 2?

Biffy Clyro - Mountains

Will colin mcrae rally 2 work with vista?

yes. I don't have any problems. my asus run and I have really good fun :)

Is ken block going to the wrc in 2010?

yes. He's co-founded the Monster Energy World Rally Team, who are using a Ford Focus RS and sponsored by Monster Energy, Block's designer shoe company DC shoes, and the video game Colin McRae DiRT 2.

How tall is Basil McRae?

Basil McRae is 6' 2".

How tall is Lucy McRae?

Lucy McRae is 5' 4 1/2".

What xbox 360 game should you get?

Well, nobody can tell you what you 'should' get but people can recommend... Bioshock 1/2 Mass Effect 1/2 Oblivion (expansions) Fallout (expansions) Left 4 Dead 2 The Orange Box (Team Fortress 2, Portal, Half Life: Episode 1+2) Assassins Creed 2 Borderlands Colin McRae's DiRT 2 Forza Motorsport 3 Project Gotham Racing 4

What has the author B McRae written?

B. McRae has written: 'Use of English 2'

Can you play Xbox games need for speed most wanted colin mcrae rally 2005 juiced project gotham need for speed underground 2 on Xbox 360 pro?

if they're for original xbox, no. if they're for the 360 then yes.

How old was Bryan MacLean at death?

Colin McRae died on September 15, 2007 at the age of 39.

Is their multiplayer in farcry 2?

yes it is multiplayer and it is great

How many children does colin farrell have?

Colin Farrell has 2 children