Machain is the maker of Afghanistan
go to down it saysI have great news for you guys! There is now an updated Club Penguin Money Maker, and it actually works! The steps on how to download are below:1. Click the link below to download the Money Maker.Club Penguin Money Maker Download Link: VIETPRIDE28MONEYMAKERDOWNLOADHere's HOW TO USE the Money Maker:1. Enter in your penguin username and password.2. Select the number of coins you wish to get.3. Click on Get Coins!you click VIETPRIDE28MONEYMAKERDOWNLOAD and press run then wait press run again then you've got the money maker look250 coins + 500 coins + 1,000 coins + 2,500 coins + 5,000 coins + 10,000 coins + 25,000 coins + 50,000 coins ENJOY THE MONEY MAKER AND PLAY AND GET ALL ITEMS DOWNLOAD THUNDER STORM AND TRAINER GOOD LUCK
go to or > money maker.
The only way to get 100,000 coins on Club Penguin is to go to a money maker that has no virus. Try typing in on Google 'Club Penguin Money Maker' and look for a money maker that has no virus. I cannot recommend one because I don't use them.
Try club penguin money maker, the NEW version
no but heres a money maker hope this helps
Go to its money maker.
Because it is not real!
You can use the money maker or coin codes.
Hi! I also don't know how to make Club Penguin money maker but i would tell you that you can download it: it doesn't work on windows 7 sadly because i downloaded it on my windows 7 and it didnt work
Yes there is a real
no he is not a money maker becases he get money from people
Worked then closed then Worked then broke
go to or > money maker.
panfu money maker
No, There is no buildabearville money maker (I wish)
lots of people want to know that. i have cp money maker 4 so go in google and type clubpenguin money maker 4 and just search for the right one and if you have seen videos of the cp money maker that looks like a penguin, it doesnt work i tried it. the only one that works is version 4. my penguin name is mong2009