sorry kangaskhan does not evolve but that would be cool don't ya think!
Kangaskhan can only be found in certain areas of the Safrai Zone, located in Fuchsia City. The first area Kangaskhan can be found in is in the grass east of the entrance area. There is a 4% chance of Kangaskhan appearing. The second area Kangaskhan can be found in is in the grass near the Secret House. There is a 1% chance of Kangaskhan appearing.
no, but if you want to get baby kangaskhan you need a ditto leave it at the day care with a kangaskhan and all done hope i helped
A kangaskhan egg does not exist.
Kangaskhan can be found rarely in the Safari Zone north of Fuschia City.
You can find some Kangaskhan in the Great Marsh, so be sure to look from the second floor of the Observation Deck of the Great Marsh to find areas where Kangaskhan can be found.
So far kangaskhan doesn't evolve.
It doesn't evolve.
Kangaskan cannot evolve.
Kangaskhan does not evolve in ANY Pokemon game to date.
no it does not it turns into wartortle
There isn't one. Kangaskhan isn't evolved from another Pokemon nor does it evolve.
it evolves at level 100 into a kangaraptor
Well you see kangishkan (sorry about the spelling) does NOT evolve sorry to burst your bubble
The previous answer was wrong. When first making the game they had only a 10mb memory for each cartridge. They had to get rid of some things in the game, it so happens that they couldn't take out one Pokemon without clearing the entire memory (the first evolution of Kangaskhan) , so they changed his name to "M NOTMISSING NO" that later, " MISSINGNO" They also wiped out his moves that he could learn, and they made it nearly impossible to find in the marsh, (1-100,000). Also if you want to know something cool imagine cubone without his Mom's skull, it looks just like Kangas
No, Cubone is not a baby Kangaskhan. A Cubone has no relation to Kangaskhan.
The baby in a Kangaskhan's pouch is merely a younger Kangaskhan.