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yes a Pokemon with pokerus gains double effort vallue points when it defeats a Pokemon

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Q: Does a Pokemon with pokerus get higher stats while leveling up?
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Can you get the pokerus more than once?

You can get Pokerus for a specific Pokemon only once. After that a happy face appears near the Pokemon when you look at it's stats, in gba Pokemon games it's a dot.

Can you heal the pokerus?

you cant but it is actually a virus that helps ur Pokemon get sronger stats

How do you get a Pokemon with pokerus?

Just like a shiny Pokemon you can randomly catch Pokemon infected with a virus called pokerus not much is known about the virus other than it makes your Pokemon's stats go up more than usual it also corrupts your game slightly.

What does pkrs mean on platinum?

Pkrs is the in-game abbreviation of PokeRus (taken from Pokemon and virus). The word simply means that it is a virus that affects only Pokemon in the game. Pokemon with PokeRus, as said above, develop their stats better than normal Pokemon, so the virus is completely beneficial. Be aware, though, that PokeRus will fade away if you keep your infected Pokemon in your party over 24 hours. To keep the PokeRus condition, repeditively store your Pokemon in the PC overnight. You will know if your Pokemon has become immune to PokeRus as it has a dot (.) where the face used to be (signifying it had the condition, as well as the 'pkrs' word under 'status').PokeRus is contracted through in-game play; battling wild Pokemon. Just like the shiny condition, Pokemon may have the PokeRus condition (but both are extremely rare). If you battle a wild Pokemon which has PokeRus, your fighting Pokemon will contract it and you will then have a method of transferring the virus to your other Pokemon. To transfer the virus to other Pokemon, simply have the desired Pokemon in your party and battle with the infected Pokemon. Very soon it will catch on. Note: Immune Pokemon (who have had and passed the virus) cannot get re-infected.Of course, you can always migrate or trade for a Pokemon that has PokeRus. It is not very particular, so you really can trade for any Pokemon. This is probably the best option as the virus is very rare and the chances of contracting it are very low. Having said that, persistance is the key to most things in Pokemon games, so you never can tell.Read more: What_does_PKRS_mean_in_Pokemon_Diamond_and_Pearl_and_how_do_you_get_it

What does PokeRus do?

PokeRus infects your Pokemon and helps it gain more Attack, Defence, Sp. Attack, Sp. Defence and Speed points upon levelling up. Thus, it is a benficial virus and aids your Pokemon's growth. The virus is contacted by all the Pokemon in your party if the infected Pokemon in taken out of its PokeBall to battle. PokeRus also fades (causing immunisation) after your Pokemon has been left in your party for over 24 hours. To keep it (and keep it contained), store the infected Pokemon in your PC.Pokerus is a virus that raises the pokemon's stat, and in a battle it has a 1 out of 3 chance that it will spread it to all of your party.

Related questions

How do you get high stats when you level up on Pokemon Platinum with pokerus and power items and macho brace?

um e leveling

What is pokerus in Pokemon Platinum?

pokerus is a virus thank is good for pokemon. it raises stats and hp.

Pokemon Diamond code 4 pokerus in Pokemon Diamond?

There is no code for pokerus, if you use the GTS -Global trade station- In jubilife city, you can leave a pokemon overnight, then when you go back there in the morning, someone may have offered a pokemon for yours. The trade will begin and you'll get the other person's pokemon. THAT POKEMON MAY HAVE POKERUS!!! You won't be able to see it yourself, so as soon as you get the pokemon, go to the pokemon center. If your pokemon has pokerus, Nurse Joy will tell you. POKERUS IS GOOD!!!!!!! It raises your pokemon's stats to the max, and when pokerus goes away, the effects stay!! POKERUS IS CONTAIGUS! Keep changing your party and your pokemon will ALL catch the virus :D Good luck getting pokerus :D

How do you raise the stats of your Pokemon?

By leveling up your Pokemon

Can you get the pokerus more than once?

You can get Pokerus for a specific Pokemon only once. After that a happy face appears near the Pokemon when you look at it's stats, in gba Pokemon games it's a dot.

How do you cure pokerus on Pokemon Diamond?

You don't. Pokerus will go away in a few days. While it's there, it'll give your stats a boost. You can infect other Pokemon with it too.

Can you heal the pokerus?

you cant but it is actually a virus that helps ur Pokemon get sronger stats

What does pokerus do in pokemon soulsilver?

Even though its a virus and it can possibly corrupt your saved data pokerus can make your Pokemon stats go up more when they level up so its not all bad.

How can you cure the pokerus in Pokemon Diamond?

There is no cure, but Pokerus is good! Don't get scared or worried for your Pokemon, it will actually do them good. If your other Pokemon catch it, even better! It only lasts for a day and it raises one of the STATS by heaps!

Does pkrs make your Pokemon disappear?

No Pokerus is a major benefit and only increases your Pokemon's stats dramatically. It depletes after a while sadly, but if you put the infected Pokemon in the PC the pokerus will spread throughout your boxes. I hope this helped

What is PokeRus in Pokemon Sapphire and how do you cure it?

Pokerus (short for poke virus) is a special status found on Pokemon, it will only come off after a few days by itself. But pokerus is actually a good status, if doubles your stats, and lots more (only for that time). But if you keep that Pokemon in PC it will stay there till you take it out. If you put that Pokemon in your party, sometimes the other Pokemon even gets it. Pokemon with pokerus is soooooooooo rare, so make use of every minute. Even after it is cured the effects of the pokerus remain.

What effects does pokerus have on the Pokemon that has caught it?

The Pokerus is a helpful virus which helps your Pokemon to get stronger more quickly. :) Each time you defeat an enemy, you get special effort points which help determine which stats are most improved upon levelling up. With the Pokerus, these effort points are doubled, so you don't have to defeat as many enemies to get the stats you want improved. Once your Pokemon has recovered from Pokerus (it will have a little smiley face or dot beside its picture) it can never catch it again, but I've read that the benefits of Pokerus stay forever. You should put an infected Pokemon in your computer so you can infect your newcomers in the future. Pokemon don't recover from the Pokerus for as long as they are in the computer :)