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AnswerYes, God once had a female consort, the goddess Asherah. Archeological evidence of this is in inscriptions found in ancient Israel and Judah during the Hebrew period, as well as the presence of numerous figurines of Asherah found in the same areas. The worship of Asherah seems to have ceased during the Babylonian Exile, when the veneration of Lady Wisdom (Sophia) seems to have begun.

One two storage jars found at Kuntillet Ajrud contains a dedicatory inscription that reads, in part, "I bless you by Yahweh, our guardian, and by his Asherah." A second jar at the same site also contains a script that includes, "Amaryau says: Say to my lord X: I bless you by Yahweh [our guardian], and by his Asherah." Another artefact associated with the Makkedah site says, "Blessed be Uriyahu by Yahweh and by his asherah; from his enemies he saved him!" or possibly, "May Uriyahu be blessed by Yahweh my guardian and by his Asherah. Save him."

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Q: Does Yahweh the Creator have a female consort?
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