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yes it does.

the sims 2 university is an expansion pack meaning you can install it following the installation of the sims 2 or the sims 2 double deluxe and you can play both games.

have funn. =)

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Q: Does Sims 2 Double Deluxe work with Sims 2 University?
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Will the Sims 2 Deluxe edition dvdrom work with the Sims 2 University?

Yes, it should. So, do you have Sims 2 Deluxe on PC and are trying to install Sims 2 University? If so, it should work.

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I think so :)

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You acually need to put in the disc, the sims 2, the sims 2 double deluxe, the sims 2 deluxe, or the sims 2 holiday edition to play.

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The Sims University WILL actually work on the Sims 2 Deluxe. I have those two games and when you go into a town at the top theres like a blue box with icons in it. You click the icon that says The Sims 2 University and then It will ask you to add it to that town.

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If you get the Mac Version, yes it will work.

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Click on the phone choose "call work" and then "quit".

Do you need sims 2 double deluxe to play sims 2 Christmas party pack thank you?

If you still have the packet of the sims2 Christmas party look near the bottom if it says expansion pack there then you do need it if not and it doesnt work i still believe you have to buy the sims 2 deluxe or double deluxe before anything that has something like university or open for busnies. you have to install the regular sims2 FIRST! then install others..... :) hope i helped!

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You need the Expansion Pack The Sims 2: Nightlife to get a car. This will also work with The Sims 2: Deluxe or The Sims 2: Double Deluxe because Nightlife is included. If you do not have Nightlife, you can download decorative cars, but your Sims cannot drive them.

If you miss the carpool can you still get to work in Sims 2 double deluxe?

Yes If you miss to many times you will get fired

Does sims 2 double deluxe work on macs?

yes but that's only if you download the software from

Will your sony VAIO vpccw21fx be able to support the sims 2 double deluxe?

My sims 2 deluxe works fine but what doesn't work well is that i've always loved to download items for my sims and i used to use the sims 2 website but that doesn't work anymore, so my sims deluxe has no cool items, i've tried other sites and i've downloaded them on my computer but can never put them onto my sims 2 :(

What does sims 2 double deluxe need to install?

It's not an expansion pack, so it doesn't need any other sims games for it to install and work.