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No it can not

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Q: Does PS2 can play UMD
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Can you use a caseless umd ona ps2?

Of course not. A PS2 is a PS2, not a PSP.

What does UMD games do to your PSP?

It allows you to play the UMD game.

Could the PS vita play psp umd games?

It has no UMD drive, but can play the PSN versions.

How do play games on the psp?

Put the UMD in the disc holder then press UMD under Game then play! ----

Can psp go play umd discs?

No PSP Go does not play UMD discs. UMD discs only work in the regular PSP handheld gaming system.

Can you play a UMD on a computer?


Is it PSP 2000 umd disk play on PSP 3004?

There is no such thing as a 'PSP 2000 UMD'. UMDs are UMD's, they have no PSP model-specific variants.

Can the PSP Go load UMD?

The PSP Go does not have a UMD reader, you cannot play a UMD game on it.

If I have a UMD disc for psp can I download content from the Playstation Store and use it with the UMD disc?

You can download a DLC or add on to a game and use it to play with the UMD game

Can a playstatoin vita play a psp umd?


Can you just buy then play a psp game?

Yes you can buy the game on a UMD and play it

What does umd and psp mean?

I think UMD stands for Universal Media Disc and PSP stands for Play Station Portable if that's what your asking for.