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no only the ones with the download play logo on the back of the box (the two Nintendo's one with black screens and one with white screen.)

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Q: Does Nintendo DS download play work on all DS games?
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Can you play n64 games online?

You can do a search for "n64 online" & find some game that are very similar to those Nintendo games. However, to play those game you will need to download an N64 Emulator graphics plugin for it to work properly.

How does a smart card work on a Nintendo DS?

It is possible to use a smart card with the Nintendo DS to play pirated games. This has been made illegal.

Do all Nintendo ds games work on the Nintendo ds?

All DS games work on both the DS and the DS Lite. Games that require a GBA cartridge slot (like the Guitar Hero games) do not work on the DSi, as the GBA slot has been removed. also dont try 3ds games on any ds ( but 3ds) it wont work but you can play ds games on it :( but not 3d

How does Club Nintendo work?

Club Nintendo is an imaginary club that you can join at . You register all of your Nintendo games. Note: Only games with a Nintendo symbol at the bottom of the game case is eligible for registration. Also game systems can be registered on Club Nintendo. The DSi, DSiXL, 3DS (the DS or DS Lite do not earn you Club Nintendo points), and Nintendo Wii can all be registered. By registering you games and completing surveys (Pre-play, Post-play) you earn points or coins you can spend on Club Nintendo. You can get games, cases, etc., each a different amount of coins. Wii games also are more points than DS games. Shipping and everything is completed. Register you games, get prizes. That's Club Nintendo.

Can you download a PS2 game off the internet and play them on PS2?

The PS2 plays games on discs and burnt games do not work with a the PS2

Related questions

Can you play Nintendo ds games on the Nintendo ds i?

Yes it can there aren't games that only work for dsi

How do you play DS games on computer?

Go to and download Nintendo DS emulator (NO$GBA) and download roms from and extrct itIt will work

How does ttds work?

It lets you play Nintendo DS ROMS and homebrew, which you can download from sites.

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Can a Nintendo DSi play with a Nintendo ds lite?

Some people say you have to get a standard ds link machine (whatever that is) but i have a dsi and i tried to play multiplayer with my friend's ds lite and it didn't work.( if anyone can help with that i would appreciate) I have a dsi and i played ds download with my little sister who has a ds lite and it worked fine

Can you play n64 games online?

You can do a search for "n64 online" & find some game that are very similar to those Nintendo games. However, to play those game you will need to download an N64 Emulator graphics plugin for it to work properly.

Can you play regular Nintendo DS and Nintendo 3DS games on Nintendo 2DS?

Yes, the Nintendo 3DS family can play Nintendo DS and Nintendo DSi games. However, some games that require the GBA slot (Guitar Hero) will not work for the Nintendo 3DS.The Nintendo 3DS family includes:- Nintendo 3DS- Nintendo 3DS XL (LL)- Nintendo 2DS- New Nintendo 3DS- New Nintendo 3DS XL (LL)

Will my Nintendo cartridges work in a Game Cube?

The Game Cube console does not play the older Nintendo cartrides. You can hook a Nintendo game boy to the console and play game boy games.

Why won't my Wii U work on games from my Wii?

That is because the Nintendo Wii U is a newer generation of gaming console for Nintendo. Therefore, the Nintendo Wii cannot play Nintendo Wii U games

Will Australian Nintendo Wii games work on a Irish Nintendo Wii?

Yes. Games from these countries are from the PAL region and should work perfectly on either system.

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Can you play Nintendo ds lite games on a ds 3d?

yes but 3ds games don't work on a ds lite