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Absolutely. My entire computer crashed three days after I bought that game and I traced the worm back to LOTRO.

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Q: Does Lord of the Rings online give viruses?
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Does Lord of the Rings online give you viruses?

Lord of the Rings online will not give you a virus.

Does lotro give you viruses?

No, Lord of the Rings Online is a game, and would not have any benefit from giving you viruses. I've been playing LOTRO for over a year now, I have no viruses.

Does lotro give you any viruses?

No, Lord of the Rings Online is a game, and would not have any benefit from giving you viruses. I've been playing LOTRO for over a year now, I have no viruses .

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Does Lord of the Rings online give a virus?

No! It's really good :) it's one of the only games that doesnt damage my computer :D

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You'll find the answer in the Lord of the Rings Rulebook. Websites, stores or GW Customer Service will not give you this answer .

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You'll find the answer in the Lord of the Rings Rulebook. Websites, stores or GW Customer Service will not give you this answer.

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You'll find the answer in the Lord of the Rings Rulebook. Websites, stores or GW Customer Service will not give you this answer .

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What bread did the elves give The Hobbits?

Lembas, if you're talking about The Lord of the Rings.

Will watching movies online give viruses?

Can someone answer the question? C'mon someone's got to know an answer to this.