you gotta get 3 of them then get the ritual card from kaiba.
seto, kaiba and pegasus give out really good trap cards like crush card and such.
That is Yu-Gi-Oh The Abridged Series Episode 19, "Jagshamesh!" Mokuba proclaims: "Big brother, its you! And you're smiling! *begins to cry* Stop smiling big brother, its really creepy!" Joey: "Kaiba's smiling! that's the most disturbing thing I've ever seen!" Yugi: "Whenever Kaiba smiles, a puppy dies."
probably the very first episode where yugi/yami duels kaiba the first time or when he is dueling pegasus in the first episode near the end of it.
No, Seto Kaiba isn't Jaden's father.
Seto Kaiba only appeared in episode 76 in yugioh gx.
Ep 221.
if you mean online pc games theres kaiba corp, yugioh dueling network thats all i know
you gotta get 3 of them then get the ritual card from kaiba.
Yes, Seto Kaiba is available as an opponent in the Fourth Level, after the Rare Hunters.
Then the rest of the students and teachers will start freaking out.
seto, kaiba and pegasus give out really good trap cards like crush card and such.
1. The Eye Of Tamios [Yugi Muto,Yami, Yami Yugi,Atem,Yatimu] 2. The Fang Of Kriteus [Seto Kaiba, Kaiba Seto] 3. The Claw Of Helmos [Joey Wheller, Jounouchi Katusya]
Seto Kaiba was important because he is the CEO and majority shareholder of the multinational gaming company Kaiba Corp. Seto Kaiba is also referred to just as Kaiba.
That is Yu-Gi-Oh The Abridged Series Episode 19, "Jagshamesh!" Mokuba proclaims: "Big brother, its you! And you're smiling! *begins to cry* Stop smiling big brother, its really creepy!" Joey: "Kaiba's smiling! that's the most disturbing thing I've ever seen!" Yugi: "Whenever Kaiba smiles, a puppy dies."
Pharaoh Atem. He s way way way cutter then Kaiba. Kaiba is so mean.