

Does Goku ever cheat on chi chi?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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no,are you mad?!

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Q: Does Goku ever cheat on chi chi?
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Goku's Wife is "Chi chi". She is the daughter of OX king.

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Goku's girlfriend is chi chi

Who is stronger Goku or chi chi?

Its one fight goku wont win. chi chi

What episode does chi chi and goku fight?

The episode in which Chi Chi and Goku fight is episode 137. It's also the episode in which Chi Chi becomes Goku's fiancee.

When Did Goku Propose to Chi Chi?

At the martal arts tournament when goku and chi chi fought each other

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Goku did it first then Chi-Chi

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wow ok goku was at his house with chi chi

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What is the episode where goku meets chi chi as teenagers?

Dragon Ball 134 Preliminary Peril

Is Goku married to chi chi?

because when goku was little he said he wanted a bride, but he thought a bride was food. So goku promised to make her his bride. tahn a few years later chichi nd goku fought at a tornement and chichi was angry because he didn't recognize her and forgot about his promise. She told him he promised to marry her but she didn't know why she was, so if he won she would tell him who she was. After she lost and told goku her name goku was supprised and explained to her he didn't know what a bride was when they were kids, but he kept his promise anyway and married her

What episode does goku and chi chi have there first date watch-dragonballcom?

They dont. Goku accidentally proposes.

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