yes they give you around 10% of the normal starting retail prices for new games. which translates to they rob you. They will give u significantly more for a trade to a new or other used game.
You can get Play Station two games at Gamestop, Ebay, or Amazon.
target, best buy, or my personal fav. gamestop
Gamestop, Walmart, And best buy. Mainly any store that deals with electronics or has xbox's in stock.
eb games or gamestop does not buy regular xbox so you will et no money for it.
To get a code for 1600 ms points, you need to buy the code in a store that sells video games, such as gamestop or best buy.
You can use them to buy games or whatever they have at GameStop
Gamestop or Best Buy.
if you have $100 then you can buy a lot
Gamestop walmart and places you can buy video games
Anywhere you can buy games Gamestop, Exchange.
Gamestop or bestbuy
At Gamestop or EB Games.
yes you can
you can buy smackdown vs raw09 at gamestop or eb games or wal-mart you can buy smackdown vs raw09 at gamestop or eb games or wal-mart