It was never sold in stores, just given out to people who watched the movie.
"SUPREME" is the code for Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.
Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon
As with all monsters that have Ritual Spell Cards, you cannot obtain Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon as a card by itself via the Password section or as a Spoil. In-game, it can only be Summoned by using the Ultimate Dragon Ritual. Use this ritual when there are three "Blue-eyes White Dragon" cards on the field. You can fuse Megamorph & Dragon Treasure to get the Ultimate Dragon ritual.You can, however, obtain Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon via a cheating device such as Codebreaker or Gameshark. The code for Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon is 301D03CB 0063.For more codes on other unobtainable cards, click on the "Related Link" below. Note that Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon is Card # 380 in the game. This means that it corresponds with the code next to Card 380 on the website.
Blue-Eyes White Dragon - root Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon - Fusion monster utilizing 3 Blue-Eyes White Dragons Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon - Can be Special Summoned by Tributing a Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Paladin of White Dragon - Can be Tributed to Special Summon a Blue-Eyes White Dragon SIN Blue-Eyes White Dragon - Alternate form of Blue-Eyes White Dragon, to be released in Duelist Pack Kaiba in April 2010.
There is no "code" to get the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon. You can get the Blue-Eyes Dragon from the Ultimate Dragon Pack.
"SUPREME" is the code for Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.
No, there is no other method to summon Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon other than tributing one Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.
Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon is a promotional card and is not included in any starter deck.
Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon
As with all monsters that have Ritual Spell Cards, you cannot obtain Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon as a card by itself via the Password section or as a Spoil. In-game, it can only be Summoned by using the Ultimate Dragon Ritual. Use this ritual when there are three "Blue-eyes White Dragon" cards on the field. You can fuse Megamorph & Dragon Treasure to get the Ultimate Dragon ritual.You can, however, obtain Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon via a cheating device such as Codebreaker or Gameshark. The code for Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon is 301D03CB 0063.For more codes on other unobtainable cards, click on the "Related Link" below. Note that Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon is Card # 380 in the game. This means that it corresponds with the code next to Card 380 on the website.
No, there isn't such a monster.
Blue-Eyes White Dragon - root Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon - Fusion monster utilizing 3 Blue-Eyes White Dragons Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon - Can be Special Summoned by Tributing a Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Paladin of White Dragon - Can be Tributed to Special Summon a Blue-Eyes White Dragon SIN Blue-Eyes White Dragon - Alternate form of Blue-Eyes White Dragon, to be released in Duelist Pack Kaiba in April 2010.
not as rare as it was a few years ago but still pretty rare
in kaibas deck