He doesn't drop anything. But if you are on the quest for the black knight, he drops the piece of armour.
Kill Gell Oh No in the well (/join well), the greenguard dragon in the cave in greenguardwest, the greenguard basilisk in trunk (/join trunk) and deathgazer in deathgazer's realm (/join deathgazer).
Wings of Tephra (member only) and Mafic Wings
you have to beat the 4 boss`s in greenguard forrest.place`s to find them:join trunk,join deathgazer,join well,join greendragon.
From deathgazer (/join deathgazer)
Dread spider doesn't drop capes.
The basilisk - /join trunk Gell Oh No - /join well Deathgazer - /join deathgazer green dragon - /join greendragon
Kill Gell Oh No in the well (/join well), the greenguard dragon in the cave in greenguardwest, the greenguard basilisk in trunk (/join trunk) and deathgazer in deathgazer's realm (/join deathgazer).
The Greenguard Basilisk, the Greenguard Dragon, the Gell Oh No and DeathGazer.
basilisk green dragon gell oh no the deathgazer to get to them type this /join deathgazer map /join trunk basilisk map /join well /join greendragon
Wings of Tephra (member only) and Mafic Wings
you have to beat the 4 boss`s in greenguard forrest.place`s to find them:join trunk,join deathgazer,join well,join greendragon.
Greenguard Basilisk Lvl. 12 Gell Oh No Lvl. 12 Greenguard Dragon Lvl. 12 Deathgazer Lvl. 12
From deathgazer (/join deathgazer)
to get items by drop you have to just battle monsters till you get the drop
kill them!
The percent drop was never specified.
ask rodomrickmus,he knows