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Yes, in Poker, a 3 of a kind beats 2 pairs.

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Q: Does a 3 of a kind beat 2 pairs in poker?
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Do 2 pairs beat 3 of a kind in poker?

No, in poker, 3 of a kind beats 2 pairs.

Does 3 of a kind beat 2 pair in poker?

Yes, in poker, 3 of a kind beats 2 pair.

What two pairs beat a king high?

In poker ANY 2 pair beats a King high hand.

Does three card trick beat 2 card trick in poker?

There are no tricks in poker, there is three of a kind or a pair. A three of a kind always beats a pair.

Do trips beat 2 pair in a game of poker?

Yes, trips beat 2 pair in a game of poker.

Can you explain the rules of poker and how to determine the winning hand when a player has 2 pairs or 3 of a kind?

In poker, players aim to make the best hand using a combination of their cards and community cards. Two pairs beats one pair, and three of a kind beats two pairs. To determine the winning hand, compare the ranks of the pairs or three of a kind. If two players have the same hand, the one with the highest-ranking cards wins.

How do you beat a tie in poker?

When you are playing Texas Hold'em poker, a specific card can act as a tiebreaker, usually known as kicker in some cases. This kicker allows the 2 players to beat the tie and helps to decide who will win the pot or whether the pot will be shared among the players. In case of combinations like three of a kind or four of a kind, the kicker will undoubtedly be the 5th card of the chosen combination. This will determine which player becomes the winner. Usually, most online poker portals clearly mention the rules about ties and what role the kicker plays regarding double pairs and three of a kind.

Does 2 pairs beat a stright?

No, a 2 pair does not beat a straight.

Does a flush beat a full house?

A full house always beats a flush, unless it is a straight flush or a royal flush.

Do 2 aces and two tens and a two beat 3 fives a 6 and a 8?

No. Three of a kind beats two pair in poker hands.

Does a two pair beat a two of a kind in hold em?

"Two of a kind" is one pair. Two pair beats one pair in any kind of poker.

Does a straight and 2 pair beat a straight and a pair?

No! Listed from the best hand to the worst : 1) Royal Flush 2) Straight Flush 3) Four of a Kind 4) Full House 5) Flush 6) Straight 7) Three of a Kind 8) Two Pairs 9) A Pair 10) High Card