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Yes, it evolves in Dodrio starting at Lv31.

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Q: Doduo evolve Pokemon FireRed
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How do you find dodrio in Pokemon FireRed?

You can't. You have to find and catch a wild doduo in the safari zone and evolve it.

Where can you find doduo in Pokemon FireRed?

You can find doduo either at the safari zone or you can find it at cycling road.

Where can you get dodrio in Pokemon platinum?

Evolve it from Doduo or trade for it.

How do you evolve doduo in Pokemon pearl?

It evolves at level 31.

What level does doduo evolve at in pokemon leafgreen?

Level 31.

What level does doduo evolve in Pokemon Ruby?

Level 36.

How do you evolve doduo on Pokemon diamond?

it evolves at level 31 into dodrio :)

What level does Doduo evolve in Pokemon Soul Silver?

level 31

What level does doduo evolve at in Pokemon Red version?

level 31

Where do you get Dodrio in Pokemon Diamond?

You evolve it from Doduo which can be found in a Swarm in Route 201

What does duduo evolve into in Pokemon?

Doduo evolves into Dodrio, starting at level 31.

What is a good team to beat Pokemon firered?

bulbasaur, nidoran blue, doduo, meowth, picachu