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When you complete the final stage of Sasuke (Ninja Warror), you get about a million yen (about eighty thousand dollars). This is rarely mentioned on the show as the competitors main goal is the honor of completing the course.

Ninja warrior is still very tricky and is difficult to win.

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Issac Caldiero won 1 million dollars.

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Do you win money on ninja warrior?

When you complete the final stage of Sasuke (Ninja Warror), you get about a million yen (about eighty thousand dollars). This is rarely mentioned on the show as the competitors main goal is the honor of completing the course. Ninja warrior is still very tricky and is difficult to win.

Who would win celt or ninja?

It actually is the ninja who would win if u watched Deadliest Warrior, they proved that a ninja would win, so nice fail bruh.

Who would win a Japanese ninja or a Chinese ninja?

There is no such thing as a Chinese ninja. Ninjas originated from japan. however China had far superior karate masters. So basicaly the Chinese were highly skilled in karate but not with weapons. whereas the Japanese knew karate but they weren't as good as the Chinese but the Japanese were highly skilled with weapons. so in my opinion, in a fight between a feudal Chinese warrior and a feudal Japanese warrior (ninja) , the Japanese ninja would win

What ninja warrior win?

Kazuhiko Akiyama, the crab diver, was the first which he completed it in the 4th competition. Makoto Nagano then followed in the 16th competition

What Ninja Warrior competition did Makoto Nagano win?

17th competition - Total Victory (2.56 seconds to spare)Taken from

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Who would win a ninja monkey or a ninja cat?

a ninja cat

Who would win a ninja or 1000 zombies?


In a death match who will win a ninja or a gladiator?

An experienced gladiator can defeat a ninja, but not easily. The techniques of a ninja warrior are based on stealth and quickness of attack. In an arena, the ninja would lose to a seasoned gladiatorial fighter.A well-equipped ninja, weapons-wise, however, would fair better in a dark alley, enclosed spaces or a forest no matter how much armor the gladiator is wearing.

How you get free weapons on free realms?

Free realms codes has cool ninja swords you could win it in the daily spin or win money from the coin spin and use the money. Also do quests. Save money on the game and you could have anything.

Who would win us Amy vs ninja?

To tell u the truth a ninja because they are more trained, and stealthy. The Final Battle Moment: U.S. army soldier is still alive, he has to face 1,000 ninjas, ninjas kill him. Proven by: Deadliest Warrior.

Who would win in a battle to the death a ninja or a trained sniper?

A sniper would win cause he could see the ninja way before the ninja even knew were he was.