Under the Master Rules, both players start with 8000 Life Points each at the start of every official Duel.
8000. But in the anime the usually have either 2000 or 4000
Talk to Kalin (B.A.D. Area/Enforcers HQ) go to the top floor and defeat all Enforcer Shadows. (Your Life Points are not reset between each Duel; If you have Life Point exceeding 8000, you will start with that many Life Points the next Duel. Note that if you have more than 10,000 Life Points, you will only start with 10,000)
Your monster is destroyed if the monster you attack is in attack position, and you lose life points.
Webearthonline is a fun game. You start off as a blue-bird but once you get enough life points you can unlike a lot of new characters. Yes, it's multiplayer and you can breed and start a family! (:
press ctrl and @ and type morehp for more 4000 life and moreall for lots of granades
The "official rules" state 8000, but in the TV series, they have 4000 or even 2000 in the Pegasus part.
8000. But in the anime the usually have either 2000 or 4000
Well at the actual show each player starts with 4000 life points. But in real yu gi oh card games like you get yu gi oh playable cards you start with 8000
Well, in a modern, legal duel, both players start off with 8000 life points.
Talk to Kalin (B.A.D. Area/Enforcers HQ) go to the top floor and defeat all Enforcer Shadows. (Your Life Points are not reset between each Duel; If you have Life Point exceeding 8000, you will start with that many Life Points the next Duel. Note that if you have more than 10,000 Life Points, you will only start with 10,000)
because he payed life of the effect of power bond 4000 cyber end dragon attack points
depends on how many life points your opponent offered. If they offered 4000 or less, than yes. five headed dragon can attack
Obelisk: ATK:4000/DEF:4000 Ra: ATK:????/DEF:???? (When this card is Normal Summoned, you canpay Life Points so that you only have 100 left, to have this card gainATK and DEF equal to the amount of Life Points paid) Slifer: ATK:X000/DEF:X000 (this cards atk and def are equal to the number of cards in your hand. Example: 5 cards in your hand X -> 5, Slifer has 5000)
The ISBN of The Life You Can Save is 978-1-4000-6710-7.
Uncle Billy Bailey in the movie "It;s a Wonderful Life"