whirlpool is not classified as a HM in that Pokemon series, only in heartgold/soulsilver is it a HM, in diamond it is only a simple TM (1use)
you need a Pokemon that can use HM move whirlpool
SORRY DUDE THERis no hm for whirlpool in pokemon pearl diamond or platinum only heartgold and soulsilver. but that wuld be AWESOME:))
You need the HM whirlpool.
Whirlpool isn't a HM in Pearl because you don't need Whirlpool at any point in the game because there aren't any whirlpools.
whirlpool is not classified as a HM in that Pokemon series, only in heartgold/soulsilver is it a HM, in diamond it is only a simple TM (1use)
you need a Pokemon that can use HM move whirlpool
SORRY DUDE THERis no hm for whirlpool in pokemon pearl diamond or platinum only heartgold and soulsilver. but that wuld be AWESOME:))
You'll need the HM Whirlpool and teach it to one of your Pokemon and you can pass the Whirlpools blocking Whirlpool Cave.
You need the HM whirlpool.
I think you mean Whirlpool. If that is the case, then you need a Pokemon that knows the move Whirlpool. You will need the HM and the gym badge that allows you to use the move outside of battle.
You need Surf, Whirlpool , strength
Whirlpool isn't a HM in Pearl because you don't need Whirlpool at any point in the game because there aren't any whirlpools.
you need hm whirlpool.
you need the HM whirlpool (whitch you get it at mahogany town when you shut down the machines lance will give you it)
Pokemon Black and White don't have HM Whirlpool.
Whirlpool isn't in Pokemon Yellow Version.