

Best Answer

Yes, you will need Java. I recommend installing the latest version of Java, JRE7, which I have provided a download link to it on Oracle's site just on the development of JRE7, it will highly increase minecraft's performance. Also, Minecraft is coded in the Java language. It must be read with a Java program, and in your task manager, Minecraft is "javaw.exe" so a big yes!

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Q: Do you need java to play minecraft full?
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Do you need to have java to play minecraft?

Yes, Java is the platform Minecraft runs on. Java is free for download.

What progarm does Minecraft need to play?

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Minecraft was created in Java and uses Java to run, therefore you MUST have Java to play Minecraft.

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What does it mean if you have java and you can't play minecraft?

You may need to download the newest version of Java for minecraft to work. Or maybe your computer can not handle it.

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Because Minecraft is built around Java, it is currently impossible to play Minecraft without Java.

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Any Java program just search Java on Google then download the latest version and then you can play :)! HAVE FUN

How do you get to play minecraft without java?

It is a java game, it is impossible to play it without java.

Can i play Minecraft with 32 bit?

Yes, you need 32 bit Java and you will be able to play.

What version of java do you need to play the bought version of minecraft?

JRE7 is recommended.