No, and you dont need a stone to make it evolve.You need to level him to 30 to make it evolve.
In the Pokémon games, Zorua evolves into Zoroark when it reaches level 30. No evolutionary stone is required for this evolution. Zorua and Zoroark are Dark-type Pokémon introduced in Generation V. To evolve Zorua, simply level it up to level 30 through battles and experience points.
To evolve a Zorua, you simply need to level it up to level 30.
Yes, because you need one of those special stones, like a water stone to evolve it into a Vaporeon or a fire stone to evolve it into a Flareon or a electric stone to evolve it into a Jolteon. You can get these special stones at a tall building in Celadon city. Go to the 3rd floor and you can buy these special stones.
The number of Pokemon that need to use a certain stone to evolve, for each stone, is a tie between the Water stone and the Moon stone. Nidorino, Nidorina, Clefairy, and Jigglypuff need to use the Moon stone to evolve. Poliwhirl, Shellder, Staryu, and Eevee (special case) need the Water stone to evolve.
You need to reach level 40, I believe. No special evolution items are needed to evolve Wailmer to Wailord.
In the Pokémon games, Zorua evolves into Zoroark when it reaches level 30. No evolutionary stone is required for this evolution. Zorua and Zoroark are Dark-type Pokémon introduced in Generation V. To evolve Zorua, simply level it up to level 30 through battles and experience points.
To evolve a Zorua, you simply need to level it up to level 30.
You'll need to evolve Zorua or trade for it.
Yes, because you need one of those special stones, like a water stone to evolve it into a Vaporeon or a fire stone to evolve it into a Flareon or a electric stone to evolve it into a Jolteon. You can get these special stones at a tall building in Celadon city. Go to the 3rd floor and you can buy these special stones.
The number of Pokemon that need to use a certain stone to evolve, for each stone, is a tie between the Water stone and the Moon stone. Nidorino, Nidorina, Clefairy, and Jigglypuff need to use the Moon stone to evolve. Poliwhirl, Shellder, Staryu, and Eevee (special case) need the Water stone to evolve.
You need to reach level 40, I believe. No special evolution items are needed to evolve Wailmer to Wailord.
you do not need a stone to evolve a grotle. he evolves a Lv.32
You don't need a stone you need to trade it to someone then trade it back to you and it will evolve!
Torchic does not need a stone to evolve, it evolves at level 16 into Combusken.
Chimchar does not need a stone to evolve, it evolves at level 14 into Monferno.
Groudon does not evolve, therefore no stone will make Groudon evolve.
You need a dawn stone to evolve kirlia into gallade