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Roselia doesn't necessarily need a soothe bell to evolve, but yes it would increase the happiness level of Roselia which is one of the requirements. The additional requirement for Roselia to evolve is that you must give it a shiny stone during the day.

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Q: Do you need a soothe bell for Roselia to evolve?
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Does Togepi need a soothe bell to evolve?

No, but it helps. To evolve Togepi you need it's happiness (or friendliness they're the same thing) up. Mine evolved around Olivine City without the Soothe Bell, and I kept it in my party almost always.

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You need a Shiny Stone to evolve Roselia into Roserade.

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did you mean how to evolve Roselia into roserade? if so you need a shiny stone to evolve Roselia into roserade

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All you need to do to evolve a Roselia is use a shiny stone on it. No trading, and it will never evolve on it's own no matter what level you get it to.

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You must evolve a Roselia to get a Roserade. You'll need a shiny stone to evolve her. ^^

What level does Roselia evolve into Roserade?

it dos not evolve by leveling up you need a shiny stone. {'-'}

What level does Roselia?

evolve??It is doesnt evolve at a certain level. You need a shiny stone to make it evolve.

What poke' mon do you use shiny stone on to evolve?

all you need is a roselia

Which Pokemon evolves with a smoothe bell in Pokemon ruby?

None, the soothe bell is only used to increase happiness of your Pokemon you don't need it to evolve a Pokemon that evolves from happiness though it is a good idea to use it if you have it.

What level does roserade evolve in Pokemon platinum?

Roserade doesn't evolve. If you mean Roselia, you need to use a dawn stone on it to make it evolve.

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if you want to evolve budew you will need to make it happy and it has to be daytime. if you then wnt to evolve your Roselia into a Roserade, you have to give it a shiny stone

What level does Togepi evolve in Pokemon soulsilver?

You need to make it really love you. I recommend giving a Soothe Bell and keeping it in the front of your party.