You use the charging cable to connect the PS3 to Controller and press the Playstation Emblem on the controller
When the PS3 is on use the charging cable to connect the controller to the PS3 and press the Playstation Emblem on the controller
Either you need to:- - Charge the controller. - Turn the PS3 on and off again. - Put new batteries in the controller. - Or if you have more than 1 controller then you can use another one.
u can play it on ps3 but you can't use the ps3 controller
Yes when your controller needs to be charged you can use the charging cable and still use the controller to play the game. Always make sure your system settings automatically turn off your controller when you turn off the PS3. Remember the PS3 will not charge the controller when it is off.
You use the charging cable to connect the PS3 to Controller and press the Playstation Emblem on the controller
When the PS3 is on use the charging cable to connect the controller to the PS3 and press the Playstation Emblem on the controller
Either you need to:- - Charge the controller. - Turn the PS3 on and off again. - Put new batteries in the controller. - Or if you have more than 1 controller then you can use another one.
u can play it on ps3 but you can't use the ps3 controller
You do not
Not a Dual Shock 3 PS3 controller
Yes they are. They all play DVDs and Blu-Ray discs.Yes they do. They need to be connected to the HDTV with 1080P and a HDMI cable for the Bluray to work as a Blue ray disc player
You will need to search for a PS3 to PC driver. After, connect your PS3 to your PC with USB.
The newest version of the most prominent GameCube emulator - Dolphin - lets you use your keyboard instead of a controller. However, you can use your X-Box 360 controller or your PS3 controller to play too. Just go to the control configuration and you can assign buttons for the GameCube controller to your keyboard or other joypad. PS3 controllers don't have proper driver installation on windows computers. So you need to install DX3 tools to be able to use your PS3 controller on the computer. From there you can even use DX3 to emulate a 360 controller from your PS3 controller.
No, it is an accessory for the PlayStation move - you will need a ps3, a move controller and a navigation controller to use it.
Yes, there is an adapter that lets you use the controller for the PS2 with a PS3, it cost around $6.99.