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yes, it is not a safe spot, so you would lose items, be careful

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Q: Do you lose things in the godwars dungeon in runescape?
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Is the godwars dungeon in RuneScape safe?

No, it is one of the most dangerous places in RuneScape, if you die you lose your items (except the items kept upon death, of course), and you should therefore only enter it with items you can afford to lose.

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No, not at all.

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If I die in pvp world on runescape will I lose all my bank items?

While on RuneScape PVP worlds, if you die, you only lose the items you are carrying, not those in your bank, never in RuneScape will a death directly affect your banked items.

What happens to your money when you go in the next dungeon in runescape?

all items will be lost if you progress to a next dungeon, leave a dungeon or log out. only binded items like weps,arm or ammo will be kept. death will not lose any items. when in a party and a player leaves whilst the party is still in progress, the items that arnt binded to the player will be dropped and visible to any of the other team members still doing the floor.

What happens when you stay too long in a dungeon on Pokemon mystery dungeon?

It classes it as a failed mission you lose money and some items.

What does somthings stirring mean on pokemon mystery dungeon explores of sky?

If you spend too long on one dungeon floor, you will eventually be kicked out of the whole dungeon, similar to using an Escape Orb. The 'something is stirring' message is just a warning to say you are running out of time.

What if you lose the hm dive?

If you are talking about Mystery Dungeon, you can either find it in a dungeon, do a mission, or buy it at the market for 6500-7000 Poke Bucks.

What do you do if you lose the research package in RuneScape?

you can get another just ask that guy

How do you escape a dungeon in Pokemon mystery dungeon red recue team?

you will escape with a escape orb or done the dungeon . i you ben killed you lose all your's item and money also if you go to your main menu, to options, you can give up but you still lose some items and all of your money.