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The only payment you ever need is the upgrade to a minecraft premium account. There's no pay-to-play/subscription fees, or paid DLC after that.

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Q: Do you have to pay money to join Minecraft?
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How much money does Minecraft make in a month ?

You only pay for minecraft once, and that price is $26.95. However, if you are having a minecraft server, you have to pay $10 a month.

How do you pay safely on Minecraft?

You click pay and just do it with your credit card, they won't steal your money

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It is free to join. But you can pay for Bimbo money if you want.

How much does inventory edit cost on minecraft?

Well you can pay money for it but you get it free on most websites, the easiest download is on the Minecraft forums.

Does Minecraft cost money?

When Minecraft is finished, it will sell for €20.00.If you pre-purchase now during alpha, you pay just €9.95Yes

Does it cost any extra money to play minecraft apart from the money you pay when you first start playing?

No, there are no additional fees.

How do you buy minecraft premium for free?

You don't 'buy' it 'for free', it's something you pay for with money.

How much is minecraft online play?

Zero.Once you buy Minecraft it's free to play. Single player or multiplayer.If you join a guild or private server you may have to pay them to play on their server. But why would you wan't to pay when their are millions of free servers to play on?

Do you need to pay money if you join imvu?

NO. not unless you want exclusive stuff

Why do you join a company?

There are a number of reasons why you would join a company including pay. Many people join companies because they need a job and money.

My friend and I are splitting money on Minecraft using Towny I don't know how so can someone tell me how?

/money pay [username] [amount]

Do have to pay money to register a account on minecraft?

Not to register, just to buy the game and make the account premium.