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in the beginning you dont but when you're level 20,yes

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Q: Do you have to be a member to go to grizzleheim?
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Do you need to have membership to get into grizzleheim on wizard101?

yes you have to be a member and a 20 level wizard

How do you get to ironsplinter on wizard101?

Ironsplinter is a boss in Grizzleheim, and to get to him you go into Sarvastaad Pass and to Ironsplinter's Forest.

Do you unlock ravenscar in grizzleheim on wizard101?

To complete all of the quests in Grizzleheim their is NO level units.Thats how

Where is bloodseeker in wizard101?

Bloodseeker is in boar camp. boar camp is in savaarstaad pass which is in grizzleheim. you get grizzleheim when you are lvl 20

Where is the Grizzleheim snack recipe vendor in Wizard101?

Hammund Vittlecrafter is the Grizzleheim snack recipe vendor and is located in Ravenscar.

How do you get grizzlehiem in wizard101?

To get to Grizzleheim, you need to do a quest when you are a low level which involves trading between the two worlds Wizard City and Grizzleheim. After that when you are level 20, you can go there by using Bartleby but as long as you have enough crowns or have a subscription. Happy Wizarding! XD

Where is the fourth yard bird in grizzleheim?

Go to Vigrid Roughlands and turn right to find the teleport stones. Go along the river to your' right.

What level do you have to be to go to winter tusks wizard 101?

i dont believe there is any specific level you have to be to go to wintertusk, you just have to fully complete grizzleheim.

Where is wintertusk?

After you defeat Grizzleheim, you automatically unlock Wintertusk.

When will grizzleheim be out?

If your talking about Wizard101 Then it will be out Sometime in the Beginning of June.

How do you reach Grizzleheim in Wizard101?

To reach Grizzleheim in Wizard101, first reach level 20. You have to be a crowns player or a subscriber, free-to-play wizards are not allowed to travel to Grizzleheim except for the quest in Olde Town. When you hit level 20, Merle Ambrose will call you to his office and gives you a quest to go speak to Bartleby and you will then be able to enter Bartleby and use the spiral door. Then you go to the spiral door, open it, then choose Grizzleheim and there ya go! You are in the land of warriors and bears. :)

Help im stuck in grizzleheim at level ten on wizard101 how do you get out?

You have to press ur go home button the, when ur at your houes, just go through your door and your free hoped i helped :)