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Heber Nader

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Q: Do you have the answers to tv guide crossword?
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B.L. Stryker Working on the TV Guide crossword puzzle, huh?

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You can find out the Sun crossword answers by going to the Baltimore Sun website.

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That depends on the date of the crossword. Please see the related questions for specific answers by date.

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Hammurbai, King of Babylon Crossword

What are the answers to today's LA Times crossword?

That depends on the date of the crossword. Please see the related questions for answers for specific dates.

Answers to the holes crossword?

There is more than 1 "holes crossword". You will probably have a better chance of finding answers the clues they give you.

Big Monday crossword answers?

The answers to the Daily Express Big Monday crossword should be available in the next issue.This will allow those completing the crossword to view the answers once they have already completed the puzzle. There are various crossword puzzle sites where people discuss their thoughts on answers for some of the harder questions, but the only way to find out what the official answers are is to wait for the next issue.

What was the name of the Three's Company eatery?

I am guessing you want to know for this weeks tv guide crossword puzzle.... or maybe you are just wondering, but anyway I will help you out it was called Jack's Bistro