

Best Answer

heres one i call super taser : if(getMouseDown() && bnot(oMouse),







oMouse = getMouseDown()

if(getMouseDown() && bnot(oMouse),

say("ow what the stop it!",100)+

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Q: Do you have a script that controls the of items on interactive buddy?
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One can assume that your narrative script is meant to accompany a series of photos, or a series of sequences, so that your script and the visuals combine to tell a story. There are several items to consider, which are covered in some depth, below.

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Well if your thinking about were all items enter and exit is through the stoma. The nucleus is the brain of the cell though and controls everything.

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How do you make scripts on Roblox?

Show the Roblox studio tools, and click Insert --> Objects. Then, select "Script" from the list of items that appears and hit okay. You can now double-click on the script in the explorer window to open it for editing.

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They are not available to the public for free. However, certain agencies offer them as collectible items, with a substantial price tag.

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