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No you don't they say it goes to people in need but I think it goes to the guys in Canada by the way if your looking at this my club-penguin name is Chief2004

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Q: Do you get prizes for coins for change in club penguin?
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Where is coins for change on club penguin in 2008?

Coins for Change ended on the 22nd of December.

Why does Club Penguin have a coins for change?

to help the envirmint

How much does it cost to change your penguin colour on club penguin?

20 coins

How much are 500 coins worth in coins for change in club penguin?

100 coins = £1

When did Coins for Change happened in Club Penguin?

a year ago

How do you get 10000000 coins on Club Penguin?

There is no way to get 100000000 coins on Club Penguin.

Where is the coins for change place in club penguin?

In The Town Area At The Time its Out

How do you get the earth hat on Club Penguin?

you get it on rockhoppers ship on coins for change

Why do they do coins for change on Club Penguin?

They do it during Christmas and there are many places set up all over club penguin. Hope this is a good answer!

Where do you give your money on Club Penguin?

You donate it for coins for change. Or you can buy things.

What happens at Christmas in Club Penguin?

there will be a giant Christmas party and coins for change.

Where are the secret prizes in club penguin?

Fair items