You cant you must pay for them unless someone gives you a ecoin card for your birthday or something. you can go to wawagames and get free ecoins when you join up its free and i think its virus free. You also can get ecoins when you log in 7 days in a row but sometimes you get stars. ________________________________________________________ ORRRRRRRRRRR you can download fantage ecoin generator it helped me alot now i look like a member and boys ar doing this to me "K1s" wich means kiss
You can't send ecoins to your friends. You can only send stickers to them.
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you can't you have to play games or buy them
It's pretty simple. All you have to do is buy some eCoins. If you're a new member to Fantage, you automatically get 500 free eCoins. You can also go on your Email and Fantage might have sent you a newsletter saying to go to "Wawagames" and collect about 300 more free eCoins. Hope this helped! -Crm089
You cant you must pay for them unless someone gives you a ecoin card for your birthday or something. you can go to wawagames and get free ecoins when you join up its free and i think its virus free. You also can get ecoins when you log in 7 days in a row but sometimes you get stars. ________________________________________________________ ORRRRRRRRRRR you can download fantage ecoin generator it helped me alot now i look like a member and boys ar doing this to me "K1s" wich means kiss
im so sorry , its not possible! :(. im a non but i have 10,000 ecoins that i bought with $10. you can simply buy a game card , or you can buy ecoins. you can also earn ecoins at
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You get gems when you: Play games and do missions.You can buy theme with ecoins.
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Make a new account and play games where you can earn gems!