The server may not ban you but a moderator might ban you if one of them is around.
i don't really know but i think you get banned
you get banned from doing mean stuff to people and saying bad things. you can also get banned if you get reported enough times
If you really don't want your Club Penguin account, email Club Penguin and they can remove it. See Related links for the Club Penguin Contact web page. Here are a few ways to do it: 1. Get your penguin banned (worst way to "delete" it). 2. Don't use your account for 3 months (add one more week to be safe). 3. Somehow email CP that you want to delete it. Try "Forgot your Password?" Your "parent email" should receive an email from CP about your new password. Then, respond saying that you want to delete it. You might get a response from CP saying something like "Are you sure?" Respond saying "Yes" and HOPEFULLY your penguin will get deleted.
No i dont think so
by saying bad words and being unfair and swearing
No you do not get banned, but you will get banned if you say sex or any other bad language.
It is a hack that will get you banned.
you cant really destroy club penguin but you could just get banned of saying a bad word then you would be destroying club penguin a bit
All i know is if you download cp trainer 2 you will get banned but i dont know about 1 or 3
nothing, ive been banned 3 times
username: yo149 password:lisa47
it is Yujin and the pass is HaloMasterChief P.s it is banned :(
There is no way.
u cant become cp. cp is just a short way of saying club penguin
If you don't use bad language you won't.
No. They will give u a chance by banning u for some hours then they u are banned forever.