Yes. Right after you defeat Galactic Boss Cyrus once. I recommend you don't use it on Palkia, though, as there are much harder legendary Pokemon after the game. Use it on Mesprit or Cresselia later on.
yes palkia is a legendary thank you you need a a master ball to catch palkia
Yes, a master ball always works on any pokemon any time.
CYou can cacth Palkia in ultra ball or master ball.
When you come to meet Palkia or Dialga at MT.Corenet
you should use it on a very hard legendary Pokemon like dialga palkia giratina shaymin or arceus
yes palkia is a legendary thank you you need a a master ball to catch palkia
yes palkia is a legendary thank you you need a a master ball to catch palkia
you can catch palkia by going to spear pilla and solve the maze in it and when you finish that catch it with a master ball (i caught it with a dusk ball) and you will have a palkia!
Before you find Dialga in Diamond or Palkia in Pearl or giratina in platinum, Cyrus will give you a master ball. I'm assuming this is so you can catch Palkia, Dialga, or Giratina.
Use an Ultra Ball, not a Master Ball
To catch Palkia, First Damage it, Use a Pokeball, Great Ball, Ultra Ball, Dusk Ball or any other kind of ball. Or just use a Master Ball.
There's no legit way to get another master ball, aside from hacking the game you can't. You can win the lotto.
Spear pillar and catch Palkia
Yes, a master ball always works on any pokemon any time.
You can catch Palkia and Dialga in diamond,pearl,and platinum versions.You can catch them by getting a master ball from team galactic's leader,or you could basicly use any type of ball actually.They can be found on Mt.Corenet's "Spear Pillar".
master ball palkia can be caught with net ball
CYou can cacth Palkia in ultra ball or master ball.