The PS1 has 7,918 games bud
NO ps2 games don't work in Ps1 only Ps1 games works on Ps2
With a emulator for the PS1
From what I can see they only carry PSP, PS2, & PS3 PlayStation games. I could not get any PS1 games to come up on a Gamestop search. (see related link) still has a number of PlayStation games for sale( see related links)
Games must be redesigned and arr not converted. The PS1 can not play PC games and does not have the capability to play PC games through emulation programs that can be used by a PC to play PS1 games
No, but PS1 games work with PS2.
just insert a ps1 memory card in slot 1, then it will save your ps1 game.
PC games , ps1 games , ps2 games
Not necessarily. They're easy to find on the internet, like on Amazon or eBay. Some stores that sell used games still carry PS1 games.
No they will not
No they can Play PS1 games only
AnswerNo they cant because the laser is unable to read the data because it is newer technology and the laser is heavily outdated AnswerAlso mainly because PS1 games were CD based. PS2 games used DVDs as the medium with the exception of a few dozen titles, if even that. No it Cant But If You Put PS1 Games in the PS2 It would work because you can just buy PS1 Games without even having a ps1.AnswerIf the ps2 game is original, it will work on a ps3No they can not because the PS1 hardware is older than the new PS2 technology used to play the new games But you can play PS1 games on a PS2 !
No very few PS2 games are being made.
there is no way to play
You put them in the game slot
No.But PS3 can play PS2 games and PS2 can play PS1 games.